We help our clients take advantage of any investment out in the world - from commodities to stock exchange...
A great business plan is a foundation of every successful business, this is why we offer our clients the services allowing...
If you need your business flourish despite all circumstances, then it is a perfect strategic planning you need to do.
Our company’s history starts 20 years ago when we’ve decided to make the world a better place for those, who are the owners or smaller business! By now we’ve helped hundreds of top-flight companies and thousands of SMBs to call the right decisions on internal management, M&As, etc.
A successful strategy is a key part on the way to the success of the whole company. It solves everything, so it is so important to develop the exact solution that will allow to beat the competitors and enter the market with those services and goods that will be in demand.
A successful strategy is a key part on the way to the success of the whole company. It solves everything, so it is so important to develop the exact solution that will allow to beat the competitors and enter the market with those services and goods that will be in demand.
A successful strategy is a key part on the way to the success of the whole company. It solves everything, so it is so important to develop the exact solution that will allow to beat the competitors and enter the market with those services and goods that will be in demand.
We're looking for experienced professionals with personal point of view and problem-solving technique.
We're looking for experienced professionals with personal point of view and problem-solving technique.
We're looking for experienced professionals with personal point of view and problem-solving technique.
The company was incorporated on 24th February, and the certificate of commencement of business was obtained on 21st March. The company was engaged in the manufacture of Bi-axially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) films.
The company was promoted in joint sector by Max India Ltd., Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., Montari Industries Ltd. and Punjab State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. The Company undertook to set up a project for the manufactuof 2,000 tonnes per annum of BOPP film.
Following amalgamation, the Company organised its business and designated them under four groups as follows: Max Pharma, Max Electronics, Maxxon BOPP Films, Max Telecom.
The Max-GB Ltd. is a 50:50 joint venture formed with Gist-Brocades International BV of the Netherlands. It manufactures and markets Penicillin based drug intermediates (6-APA and 7-ADCA) and bulk drugs (Ampicillin, Amoxycillin and Cephalexin).
During January, the Company issued 14,50,000-12% secured convertible debentures of Rs 100 each as follows: (i) 2,90,000 debentures to the resident and non-resident shareholders of the promoter companies (all were taken up). (ii) 72,500 debentures to employees (only 4,950 debentures taken up). The remaining 10,87,500 debentures, along with 67,550 debentures not taken by employees, were offered to the public. All were taken up. Part-A of Rs 20 of each debenture was to be converted into 2 equity shares of Rs 10 each at par upon allotment of debentures.
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